Contracts are the lifeblood of all successful businesses. They may involve deliverables, costs, deadlines and other conditions. Indeed, companies use them to make other contractual commitments. This interconnectedness means that a single breach can lead to further...
Business Litigation
What can a partnership agreement do during a dispute?
One of the most important things to do when starting a partnership as your new business is to create an official partnership agreement. This is a binding contract that helps to define your company and your relationship as it gets off of the ground. For instance, it...
Do corporations need to announce they face litigation?
Publicly held corporations must regularly issue financial reports that accurately reflect the business's health. If litigation is on the horizon and could impact the bottom line, the company should include this information in its report. Failure to do it risks fines,...
How to protect your business during litigation
To run a smooth and reputable business, you have to do everything in your power to limit risks. Yet, there’s only so much one person can do to protect their business. Clients, vendors, partners, employees and suppliers can take legal action against your business at...
How can a partner’s divorce affect our company?
Business partnerships are much like a marriage, especially when there are two co-owners. Regardless of how many partners there are, the others should generally try to support the one going through a divorce. Depending upon their marital arrangement and the business's...
What is civil litigation?
There are many different types of law, but the two main branches are criminal law and civil law. Criminal law involves misdemeanor and felony charges with penalties issued to those convicted. Civil law is different – instead of jail sentences, the plaintiff and...
Most family businesses fail
You have probably heard people say that small businesses are the backbone of America, and it is true that they are a major part of our economy. It’s also true that about 77% of the small businesses have “significant family involvement” when they are formed. In other...
3 ways to handle business litigation involving family members
Maybe you started the business with your spouse and now strongly disagree with them about the future direction that the business should take. Perhaps you inherited the family business to share with your siblings, and now there is a dispute regarding the executive pay...
Outsourcing legal services is good business
Larger companies may have a legal department on staff, but it often makes sense for businesses of all sizes to hire attorneys outside the company. For large companies, outsourcing allows departments to reduce costs or increase flexibility. Smaller companies often have...
Can you initiate fraud litigation with criminal charges pending?
Maybe you turned over your employee's pension fund to an investment professional who promised exceptional returns and seemed to have operational records affirming their claims. Maybe your company contracted with the supplier or service provider who offered interesting...